Our Escorts Answer the Questions You're Dying to Ask
20 January 2025
Are there any wildly inappropriate or risqué questions you've always wanted to ask an escort? Well, now is your chance to get them answered! On this blog, we ask our girls your burning questions so that you can get an even deeper look into the minds of professional escorts in London.
Question 1: Does size really matter?
Lola: “It’s more about how you use what you’ve got. Confidence and creativity go a long way, trust me.”
Ysabella: “Honestly? Not really. A big personality beats a big… you know what… every time.”
Ivy: “Let’s just say, it’s about making the connection memorable, not the measurements!”
Question 2: Do you fake pleasure during an appointment?
Andre: “Sometimes, but only to keep the vibe fun and comfortable. Think of it as part of the performance!”
Blase: “I try not to fake anything. Clients appreciate authenticity, even if it’s cheeky giggles instead of moans.”
Layla: “A little playful exaggeration never hurts, but if someone really knows what they’re doing, no faking needed!”
Question 3: What’s your ultimate turn-off in a client?
Charlotte: “Bad hygiene. Seriously, it’s non-negotiable!”
Anastasia: “When someone’s rude to me or the staff. Politeness is so sexy.”
Natalia: “Overconfidence. Being cocky in the wrong way is a total mood killer.”
Question 4: What’s the most unusual place you’ve been intimate with a client?
Gabby: “In a penthouse pool with the city lights sparkling around us. Felt like a movie scene!”
Melissa: “On a private yacht, under the stars. Romantic and naughty at the same time.”
Sienna: “In an elevator. Quick, risky, and thrilling… you can’t beat it!”
Question 5: Have you ever developed feelings for a client?
Tatiana: “Once or twice, but I always keep my boundaries in check. It’s a fine line.”
Aris: “I’ve felt fondness, sure, but I’ve learned to separate work and emotions.”
Kira: “It’s rare, but there are clients who leave a lasting impression… in a good way.”
Question 6: Do you ever feel nervous meeting a new client?
Ava: “Every now and then, but the nerves disappear once we start chatting.”
Sarah: “It’s like going on a first date. A little nerve-wracking, but exciting too!”
Raysa: “Totally! But I remind myself I’m in control and just focus on making it fun.”
Question 7: Do you ever discuss your work with friends or family?
Carol: “My best friend knows everything. She’s my go-to for venting and laughs.”
Natia: “I’ve told my sister. She’s super supportive and always asks for juicy stories.”
Fernanda: “Nope! It’s my secret life, and I love keeping it that way.”
Question 8: How do you handle a client who finishes too quickly?
Chloe: “No big deal! We can always cuddle, chat, or even go for round two if they’re up for it.”
Essea: “I make it playful. A little teasing and extra attention goes a long way.”
Brianna: “It happens! I just shift the focus to making them feel relaxed and happy.”
Question 9: Do clients ever request photos or videos of you after the session?
Anna: “All the time! I politely decline. What happens in a session stays in the session.”
Leyla: “Yes, but I explain that’s not part of the service. Most clients understand.”
Barbie: “Oh, they ask! I just tell them to book another session if they want more memories.”
Question 10: Have you ever had a virgin client?
Amanda: “I have, and it’s always such a sweet experience. I love helping them feel at ease.”
Lara: “Yes, and it’s so rewarding to make their first time special and stress-free.”
Blase: “A couple of times! They’re usually nervous, but I make sure it’s unforgettable.”
Got a burning question we didn’t cover? As long as you keep sending your questions in, we'll keep updating this blog with our escort' answers! To do so, either email us or WhatsApp us.